| | "Uummm. I'm telling Meche you said that word in front of us." |
Bibi and her brother Pugsy are two angelitos who were captures by Domino. He keeps them as slaves on his island at the edge of the world, forcing them to make lightbulbs all day.
They can fly, and they stay there to keep Meche company.
- Thinking of his parents makes her cry. So it is probable that they died earlier and the angelitos couldn't find them.
- For a bit of fun, use the bonesaw with the angelitos
- Pugsy and Bibi were put in a cage for biting.
- They can both fly.
- Had a ticket for the Number Nine, but it was stolen by Hector LeMans. Because of this, when he went to the Number Nine station, he was sent to waiting area 2, for people who 'sold' their Number Nine tickets.
- The main visible difference between Pugsy and Bibi is that Pugsy wears a brown hat, while Bibi wears a blue one.
- Location: Edge of the World
- Workplace: Domino's Island
- Occupation: Lightbulb Maker
- Voice actor: Katie Leigh