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My old grim2 cover!
By MannyAQUE - Gallery - Wednesday 29th November 2006 @ 9:10 AM

Don't be too happy, I would like it too (GF2). This is my very first 3D model of manny in grim2. Sorry for the cubic look...Took long to render.

Comments (newest first) - 3 so far

Mr. Big

19 Dec 06
9:00 AM

Very nice.. Hopefully Grim 2 arrives

Calaveraz's Avatar
Contact Calaveraz on MSN Messenger
Comments: 26

19 Dec 06
2:47 AM

Looks good... i really wish Grim fandango2 would come... :\(

Wellll... Looks like a guiet night in old rubacava.


11 Dec 06
7:57 PM

looks good, keep it up! very hawt :D

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