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By James - Gallery - Friday 13th July 2007 @ 12:12 PM

My first character drawing with a graphics tablet (I only got it a week ago!)... I think I need more practice :p

This probably took about 40 minutes start to finish

Comments (newest first) - 7 so far

Mary Morgan
Mary Morgan's Avatar

Comments: 11

12 May 09
4:26 PM

awe, my tablet died... the pressure sensitivity is non existent, and now there is a big crack in the middle of it where i threw it against a wall LOL

okay i am gonna make a GF animated series when i get a new tablet so stay tuned! at the moment its all concepts

Manny 4 Meche
Manny 4 Meche's Avatar
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Comments: 29

24 Jan 08
2:26 PM

i got a tablet i mite try this out good work

Manuel Calavera: My scythe... I like to keep it next to where my heart used to be.

ClemsPaw's Avatar

Comments: 29

16 Jul 07
4:16 AM

I like!

User posted image


Comments: 53

14 Jul 07
5:25 PM

Hehe thanks :) I'm using a Wacom Volito 2 - the cheapest one i could find, only £40!

olla's Avatar

Comments: 27

14 Jul 07
9:05 AM

You got him perfectly. He's got that neurotic air about him. Great work. Out of pure curiosity what type of tablet are you using? Waccom or something a little more exciting?

I had no feelings about it. It was aloof and licked itself too much, like my cat, Mr. Trotsky.

[DOTA]D07's Avatar
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Comments: 20

13 Jul 07
5:12 PM

Nice drawing, why is he scratching his head? :p


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