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Salvador Limones Spray
By Diney - Tuesday 21st August 2007 @ 5:23 AM

this is a stencil i sprayed on a riped up paper bag which a pair of new shoes came in, the image that inspired me and that i used to create this was made by... [~Karimi]

Diney's DeviantArt

Comments (newest first) - 9 so far


20 Nov 08
7:36 AM


Millymoo_22's Avatar
Contact Millymoo_22 on MSN Messenger
Comments: 6

07 Jun 08
10:16 PM

Amazing, my favourite fan art on here so far :)

check out mine.

Calaveraz's Avatar
Contact Calaveraz on MSN Messenger
Comments: 26

11 Sep 07
11:30 AM

WOW! really good work

Wellll... Looks like a guiet night in old rubacava.


01 Sep 07
5:06 PM

As a graffiti artist i was going to do Manny stencils at one point but never got round to making a good one. I can see they come out well though!

Domino's Avatar
Contact Domino on MSN Messenger
Comments: 11

25 Aug 07
8:13 AM

That's pretty cool you have the whole Che Guevara thing going on there, very niece!

"Consider this your severence"


MannyAQUE's Avatar

Comments: 24

22 Aug 07
2:20 PM

That's too cool !

One day or another, you'll become a case of flowers...

ClemsPaw's Avatar

Comments: 29

22 Aug 07
7:25 AM


User posted image


21 Aug 07
10:48 PM

Awesome work. He'd be honored

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