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Fancy A Dance?
By Argial - Thursday 5th January 2006 @ 9:13 AM

This is a picture I did of Manny Calavera a character from one of my favourite games of all time, 'Grim Fandango'. The game was written, directed and at least partly designed by a very talented Mr. Tim Schafer. But LucasArts own it now he left the company, which is a pity because without people like Tim on board I'm certain that we will see less original titles like 'Monkey Island,' and 'Grim Fandango' coming out of LucasArts and instead be swamped with heaps and heaps of boring Star Wars games. I guess thats what makes money these days :\(

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Comments: 10

05 Jan 09
8:41 AM


..chasing a trail of smoke and reason..

Domino's Avatar
Contact Domino on MSN Messenger
Comments: 11

06 Apr 07
1:35 AM

Truly excellent

"Consider this your severence"


berra's Avatar
Contact berra on MSN Messenger
Comments: 24

15 Sep 06
8:59 AM

Good job (: I really like it (:

Mark's Avatar

Comments: 5

11 Jul 06
5:01 AM

Very nice work! What program did you use to make it?

And I think you'r right, LucasArts doesn't make any good adventure games anymore.

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