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Halloween costume
By Myrsten - Gallery - Wednesday 7th November 2007 @ 6:48 PM

I didn't steal their poem but I stole their idea. I saw Amy and Sterling from Dallas here at the site and I decided to go to the halloween party as Manny. My girlfriend helped me with the costume. I used the outfits from both year one and two.
Some more pics: http://www.myrsten.nu/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=33

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MannyAQUE's Avatar

Comments: 24

13 Nov 07
12:53 PM

quite toff to realise a manny's costume heh !

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steve's Avatar
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Comments: 6

11 Nov 07
1:30 PM

That's a really nice costume you made there, Myrsten. Nice work :)

"Ah, Rubacava! Whatta town"

ClemsPaw's Avatar

Comments: 29

08 Nov 07
2:04 AM

Yeah! Nice work!

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