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Ben and Maureen
By Mark - Gallery - Sunday 6th August 2006 @ 2:01 PM

I know this is not GF related but Full Throttle's by Tim Schafer too. James said it was ok to upload it here. Took some time to put it all in vectors and stuff. I made this in Photoshop CS2 and it has 97 layers.

Comments (newest first) - 5 so far


05 Mar 08
1:51 AM

Yes, this qualifies as AWESOME.

olla's Avatar

Comments: 27

19 Jan 07
9:59 PM

Very excellent choices with lighting and shadowing. And that's some pretty clean line work!

Kudos! Full Throttle wasn't my favourite LA adventure game, but it still tickles my fancy.

I had no feelings about it. It was aloof and licked itself too much, like my cat, Mr. Trotsky.

Sanspoof's Avatar
Contact Sanspoof on MSN Messenger
Comments: 13

19 Aug 06
8:41 AM

Full Throttle rules, even if the sequel was going badly they never shoulda cancelled it.


Some have days,
Some have hours,
But in the end...

We all push up flowers

VampireNaomi's Avatar

Comments: 43

12 Aug 06
3:31 PM

Okay, that rules. It's good enough to be official.


Comments: 53

12 Aug 06
9:47 AM

Awesome! I really like the vector effect... it works really well on this pic. It's my new wallpaper :) How long did it take you?

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