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Max Fandango
By johnhearn - Sunday 13th August 2006 @ 6:55 AM

And here's an ingame shot!

Cover available here.

Comments (newest first) - 8 so far


17 Feb 09
4:06 AM

I'd play this game.


Comments: 4

15 Feb 07
11:31 PM


Eva: Manny do you know what day it is today?
Manny: Oh man! Did I come in on Saturday again!?


Comments: 53

15 Oct 06
11:27 AM

Original comment by MannyAQUE
Is this 3d?

I believe this was made in 2D in Photoshop by combining two screenshots from the games.

MannyAQUE's Avatar

Comments: 24

12 Oct 06
8:49 AM

Is this 3d?

One day or another, you'll become a case of flowers...

Ostentatious's Avatar
Contact Ostentatious on MSN Messenger
Comments: 43

02 Oct 06
3:26 PM

I love it when people can fuse different styles together seamlessly like this. Great work :D

Manuel Calavera:

"What a relief, I was getting concerned that our transport wasn't ostentatious enough."

ClemsPaw's Avatar

Comments: 29

13 Aug 06
2:10 PM

Intimidating me?
Good work!

User posted image

VampireNaomi's Avatar

Comments: 43

13 Aug 06
7:09 AM

For some reason this amuses me to no end. Great work!

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