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See fans' Grim Fandango artwork here
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Calavera, Manny Calavera
By Miss Phoo - Saturday 19th August 2006 @ 8:04 AM

Manny Calavera, from Grim Fandango! One of the best adventure games out there really.

Original image on DeviantArt viewable here

Comments (newest first) - 9 so far


Comments: 10

05 Jan 09
8:37 AM


..chasing a trail of smoke and reason..


24 Jun 08
1:27 PM

wow i love the colours!

olla's Avatar

Comments: 27

19 Jan 07
10:04 PM

It's like a still from an opening titles... I'm kinda glad no one made Grim Fandango: The Animated Series, because of fear of butchering excellent characters and dialogue.
But you have given me a glimpse of what it might entail. Danke!

I had no feelings about it. It was aloof and licked itself too much, like my cat, Mr. Trotsky.


11 Sep 06
2:58 PM

valido grim solo ke io di inglese nun capisco na pippa eheh manny na vita ke nn ti si beccava ai tempi di dc ciaooo

summary and traslation from an horrible italian:

I like it, but I can't speak english.


20 Aug 06
3:50 AM

valido grim solo ke io di inglese nun capisco na pippa eheh manny na vita ke nn ti si beccava ai tempi di dc ciaooo

ClemsPaw's Avatar

Comments: 29

19 Aug 06
11:35 AM


User posted image

VampireNaomi's Avatar

Comments: 43

19 Aug 06
10:22 AM

I love the way you coloured it. It's almost dreamy.

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