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Cigars at the Office
By VampireNaomi - Gallery - Friday 27th October 2006 @ 9:08 AM

Note: The picture has text that might offend people who don't like sexual references.

At first I simply wanted to write a picture of Domino trying to pick up Eva. Then I realised that Eva's cigarette was too big and I had to come up with an explanation for the mysterious cigar (since I doubt she smokes them often, if at all).

Manny and Copal were supposed to be in this one, too (because everyone wants a piece of Eva), but the pic would have got a bit too crowded.

Comments (newest first) - 4 so far


07 Oct 07
12:13 PM

cool, something tells me Domino's done that a couple of times

Calaveraz's Avatar
Contact Calaveraz on MSN Messenger
Comments: 26

14 Feb 07
11:16 AM


Wellll... Looks like a guiet night in old rubacava.

Millymoo_22's Avatar
Contact Millymoo_22 on MSN Messenger
Comments: 6

28 Oct 06
1:26 PM

hehe its great

ClemsPaw's Avatar

Comments: 29

27 Oct 06
2:48 PM

Nice work VampireNaomi!

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