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Manny at work
By Millymoo_22 - Gallery - Saturday 28th October 2006 @ 10:30 AM

Seeing as there’s no Manny figures, I decided to make my own, more to come sooon.

Made from cardboard and a sock...

Comments (newest first) - 11 so far

Millymoo_22 (guest)

03 Nov 09
9:25 PM

Hey mister, we don't want your Ugg boots. Thanks for the comment though :)

Baba oRiley
Baba oRiley's Avatar
Contact Baba oRiley on MSN Messenger
Comments: 3

06 May 07
12:17 PM

that's cool... we want more!

All Work and No Play Makes Luke a Dull Boy.

berra's Avatar
Contact berra on MSN Messenger
Comments: 24

16 Nov 06
9:55 AM

nice ;D

ClemsPaw's Avatar

Comments: 29

30 Oct 06
7:20 AM

Nice work!

User posted image

Millymoo_22's Avatar
Contact Millymoo_22 on MSN Messenger
Comments: 6

29 Oct 06
1:08 PM

Thanks, It took a couple of hours.

[DOTA]D07's Avatar
Contact [DOTA]D07 on MSN Messenger Contact [DOTA]D07 on Yahoo Instant Messenger
Comments: 20

29 Oct 06
4:24 AM

It's really cool. :)

How long did it take you to make it?


Ostentatious's Avatar
Contact Ostentatious on MSN Messenger
Comments: 43

28 Oct 06
7:07 PM

Awww, I love him!

He really does just look brilliant :D

Manuel Calavera:

"What a relief, I was getting concerned that our transport wasn't ostentatious enough."

Millymoo_22's Avatar
Contact Millymoo_22 on MSN Messenger
Comments: 6

28 Oct 06
1:25 PM

Thanks, I've just measured him he's 20cm :)

VampireNaomi's Avatar

Comments: 43

28 Oct 06
11:30 AM

That's really creative! Nice work!


Comments: 53

28 Oct 06
11:00 AM

Hehe that's awesome :D

I really like the attention to detail with the travel package brochures! How big is the Manny figure?

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