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Manny Cos-Play
By Ockeroid - Gallery - Friday 12th January 2007 @ 10:15 AM

Me as Manny Calavera at VGL London 06.

For making of a more pics: click here

Comments (newest first) - 5 so far


25 Jan 07
7:16 AM

Such a Nice Costume, and does anyone know when gf2 is coming???

olla's Avatar

Comments: 27

19 Jan 07
10:02 PM

This is such a great costume! You've inspired me to dress up as Olivia or... if I actually want to be able to breathe - maybe Britney from the Chipettes. Haha! But seriously that must've been hella hot.

But it's still a killer homemade costume.

I had no feelings about it. It was aloof and licked itself too much, like my cat, Mr. Trotsky.

ClemsPaw's Avatar

Comments: 29

13 Jan 07
11:40 AM

It's very funny, I love!
Good job!

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Ostentatious's Avatar
Contact Ostentatious on MSN Messenger
Comments: 43

12 Jan 07
4:56 PM

The making of on your livejournal was brilliant, but there's just something about the submitted picture with the way you're standing and the crowd of people around you that I love :D.

Great job!

Manuel Calavera:

"What a relief, I was getting concerned that our transport wasn't ostentatious enough."

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