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Empty Eye Sockets - VampireNaomi

What if Nick was Hector's lawyer instead of Maximino's? What if Manny was in love with Carla? What if Meche had feelings for Domino? And what if Toto and Lola were LSA agents? AU

       Chapter 1 - Added 13th July 2006
       Chapter 2 - Added 13th July 2006
       Chapter 3 - Added 13th July 2006
       Chapter 4 - Added 13th July 2006
       Chapter 5 - Added 13th July 2006
       Chapter 6 - Added 13th July 2006
       Chapter 7 - Added 13th July 2006
       Chapter 8 - Added 13th July 2006
       Chapter 9 - Added 13th July 2006
       Chapter 10 - Added 13th July 2006
       Chapter 11 - Added 13th July 2006
       Chapter 12 - Added 13th July 2006
       Chapter 13 - Added 13th July 2006
       Chapter 14 - Added 13th July 2006
       Chapter 15 - Added 14th July 2006
       Chapter 16 - Added 14th July 2006
       Chapter 17 - Added 14th July 2006
       Chapter 18 - Added 14th July 2006
       Chapter 19 - Added 14th July 2006

Chapters - 19 | Comments - 0 | Added - 15th August 2003 | Updated - 15th May 2004

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