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What Happened to the Site?
Posted by James on Thursday 27th July 2006 @ 7:56 AM

You may have noticed the large amounts of downtime on this site overthe past couple of days. This is because our hosts had a major server crash (first time in a very long time), and after many attempts at rebooting the server they had to reinstall the operating system and restore every site manually from backups. Due to this, the site went down to be restored. Daily backups are taken by our hosts, but when the server crashed these were lost and an older weekly backup had to be used.

If in the period of 18th - 24th July you registered, added fan content or added a comment it may have been lost. If in the period of 15th July - 24th July you uploaded an image to the site, it may have been lost. If any of those apply to you, please check to see if the item is still there. If it is not, it would be extremely heplful if you could please re-add it.

This will not happen again due to major new precautions that are now taken. Data from the site is now backed up daily, so if another incident occurs, data can be restored to exactly how it was only a few hours before. We apologise greatly for any inconvinience if this caused you to lose anything. Our hosts were taking daily backups of the data, but those were also lost in the server crash, so this was very unexpected.

The hosts are still in the process of restoring the rest of the sites, so you may experience a slight slow-down, but once they are done (shouldn't take longer than 12 hours) the site will be back to normal.

Comments (newest first) - 2 so far


Comments: 53

31 Jul 06
3:01 PM

Ok, the host is now fully recovered and there should no longer by any downtime or slowdowns.

Original comment by VampireNaomi
Such a pity, but these things happen. At least not too much was lost and even that can be uploaded again.

Yeah... at least it was at an early stage so that I could learn the lesson to backup the content more, without too many members etc. being lost.

VampireNaomi's Avatar

Comments: 43

27 Jul 06
6:49 PM

Such a pity, but these things happen. At least not too much was lost and even that can be uploaded again.

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