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Grim Fandango Works with Vista
Posted by James on Tuesday 20th February 2007 @ 3:14 AM

UPDATE - January 2008 - Well, this news item seems to have become the section of the visited by people triyng to get Grim Fandango on Vista, so all known information is listed below:

If you can't install the game, download the improved installer created by bgbennyboy which should work with all versions of Windows, including Vista and 64 bit versions.

If you can't run the game try using the improved launcher (also created by bgbennyboy) which should work with all versions of Windows.

Member GFFFE informed us that Grim Fandango does indeed run on Vista as long as you carry out the following steps

1) Install the patch
2) Run the game as administrator
3) Set the compatability mode to "Windows 98, Me"

If you also have Vista with Grim Fandango installed let us know how it goes for you.

Comments (newest first) - 51 so far


11 Oct 09
12:38 PM

Maybe the freeze could be avoid by disabling the screensaver.


24 Jul 09
11:04 AM

You don't need to run old games (apparently incompatible with Vista) as Admin: you just need to install them NOT in C:\Program Files as you usual did with XP. It is a protected dir now that needs full Admin rights to write files you normally don't have under Vista. Default account is only part of the administrators group but you actually have user-rights (that's why UAC appears, to let you execute an action as full admin).
Don't run it as Admin, install it into a non protected dir instead.


28 Mar 09
6:54 AM

Once I had set compatability mode to Win 95 Disc A worked perfectly, however I am having problems with Disc B, everytime I try to enter somewhere like the Blue Casket or the Cat Track the game completely freezes up and I have to close it in Task Manager, any ideas anyone PLEASE :\(


02 Jan 09
12:31 PM

i've got the game running fine, but like a few other people, can't run it with hardware acceleration turned on. my characters dissapear. if anyone has any ideas, let me know!!! i'm running xp btw, not vista.


07 Nov 08
1:31 PM

I got the game installed, patched and started up just fine. However, at random times my sound might go on loop, or if I'm interacting with someone the game might just randomly lock out with the sound looping yet again in the background.

Could this be an issue with the soundcard? I have no problems with graphics or the game crashing (when the game does lock up i can still enter options just fine.)


Comments: 53

31 Oct 08
12:52 PM

See the new Compabaility section of the site for more up-to-date information about getting GF working on Vista.


31 Oct 08
8:36 AM

ok so i just changed compatability to windows 98/me im using vista i downloaded the installer. cant use patch cause it says game is up to date. i have the reissue of the game just got it. and i`m totally freaking out i cant play it! please help! i can do the start of the game but very fast sound goes or it freezes


31 Oct 08
8:17 AM

hey i`m really stuck getting it to work on vista. someone said change compatability to windows 98. how/where do i do that!???


03 Aug 08
9:12 PM

I have a 64 bit version of vista, installed the installer + patch.. and it works well for a while.. then the sound freezes it... help?


26 Apr 08
2:40 AM

I have it installed and it works even, only that the sounds start lagging after the first cutscene.


14 Apr 08
1:44 PM

I also have had the problem where I was randomly placed way back in the game, and I hadn't saved for quite a while so it was extremely fustrating..


03 Apr 08
10:38 PM

In Vista, I used the official patch, bgbennyboy's installer/launcher, and set GrimFandango.exe to Windows98/ME compatibility mode (no other boxes checked).

The game ran quite well this way, but it had lots of weird gameplay issues. I had to save my game often, because it would randomly place me into a previous part of the game. For example, while at Hector's greenhouse, I was dropped back to the upper lighthouse at Rubecava. While in Hector's casino, I suddenly appeared back at the gate to hell, etc. There were no ways "out" of these places as they were already solved, so I recommend saving your game often. Perhaps this won't happen to you, but be forewarned. It was interesting to instantly be transported to someplace far, far away, but the fun wears off rather quickly if you lose much of your progress.

I also got stuck in a few places where Manny would automatically "use" a ladder or chain back and forth with no way of stopping him. The game also let me climb down to the ship over the edge of the world long before I dropped the chain down. The sequences of certain game puzzles/cutscenes were sometimes out of order, which sometimes played havoc with understanding what to do next.

I did not try using the CPUKiller app to reduce my processor "speed", but you might try it if you have similar problems. I just reloaded savegames and tried again.


30 Mar 08
4:21 PM

Got it working no probs on vista.
Installed the cds, then the patch, runs perfectly so far.
Didn't need no compatibility mode, cpu killers, new installer etc.


22 Mar 08
10:57 AM

I can start it, but every few seconds it goes back to windows, as if someone's presing the windows button all the time :/

domino bones

01 Mar 08
6:11 PM

I'm running windows vista, i've installed the patch, and i've installed the launcher. I still can't get the game to run though. A window keeps asking me to close any other direct x programs that might be in control of my hardware.


24 Jan 08
4:40 PM

I got it working on Vista with the new installer. I had to manually change the data directory in the registry before it would run though.

Another thing... I have a Dual Core laptop, and when I started the game, the sound was really choppy. I went into task manager in admin mode, and allowed GF to run on both cores and that fixed the sound problem. The only thing that is still giving me problems is the fact that it freezes occasionally.

I've never played it before, but it looks fantastic!

Manny 4 Meche
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Comments: 29

22 Jan 08
6:21 AM

lol cool im not really gonna try do all that hard work, first i will just install it on vista if it has problems i will come back and do wat u guys sed


Manuel Calavera: My scythe... I like to keep it next to where my heart used to be.


10 Jan 08
12:57 AM

I didn't have to run it as administrator but if run as Windows 98 compatibility the movies are choppy. Putting it in Windows 95 compatibility fixes this.


28 Dec 07
3:05 AM

Thanks for this entry.

It really helped out with my crashing problems

Contact JBCFenix on MSN Messenger
Comments: 1

21 Dec 07
1:42 AM

This is a very good idea. Keep it up


12 Dec 07
2:31 PM

I got it all working fine :D


29 Oct 07
10:42 PM

nevermind....i got it to work in Vista 64. I found a guide from a user called Stickywulf over at the lucas forums....


So far it's been working great without any problems. I love this game, dont know how many times i have finished it and it never gets boring lol :p.


29 Oct 07
7:20 PM

i'm on Vista 64, will it work on this or is it just for 32bit?


29 Sep 07
5:17 PM

I've got GF installed though the sound is kinda screwy, anyone know how to fix this?


27 Sep 07
9:46 PM

I just installed it and it worked for me. :D


24 Sep 07
1:17 PM

Vista + Grim Fandango working. Patch runned, nothing else to configure.

Still, Hardware Acceleration not working, weard lines appears to picture. And sound is gone if you do ALT+TAB


22 Aug 07
10:36 PM

Seems to me that the only way I'll be able to run this downloaded version is by running a windows Virtual PC, which ofcourse involves downloading and creating a 98 or XP boot disc. Itll work on either i figure.


21 Aug 07
9:38 PM

Hey, im havin the same problem running my 16 bit downloaded install. Im runnin the image off of alcohol120. (My cd's broke), The SETUP file, despite bein run under admin + in 98/ME. Can anyone help.

PS: this game inspire anyone else to open up a 60's themed casino in a foreign country? just wonder. . .


12 Aug 07
2:46 PM

SLT esce que quel qu'un sait comment faire marcher grim sur vista??


10 Aug 07
11:58 AM

I have many prolem with GF running on XP. I went through many helps and solutions but still game freezes every 30 sec.
So I install MS Virtual PC with Win98 in it, install GF, patch and it work well.


18 Jul 07
8:59 PM

Ummmmm...... I tried this. It doesn't work... at least with Hardware Acceleration on. Software mode works, ok, but I'd prefer proper 3D :) Anyone got any ideas?

Omorocco's Avatar

Comments: 1

09 Jul 07
5:54 AM

I installed Grim on my new Vista (Home Basic)PC. It went fine. But when I get Manny to move around, his shadow doesn't follow him, it just turns into this black everlengthening trail on the ground wherever he has walked.
Anyone had this happen? Or know how to fix it?

Also on other LucasArts related subjects, has anyone been able to run Day of the Tentacle, or Sam&Max hit the road, on Vista?


"Love? Love is for the Living Sal..."


Comments: 2

04 Jul 07
9:53 PM

got it working only thing is the forklift wont go closer to the wine barrel so i can lift it in Year 2 and ive tried cpu until Manny is bouncing round the room! Help!


Comments: 2

04 Jul 07
4:20 PM

Hey there, im still having problems running on my XP pc and my Vista laptop. When i play the game it crashes and the sound starts stuttering but i can still exit the game via pressing F1.
I dont understand this running as admin thing, i right clicked the exe but the game just started i didnt get the option to run compatibility mode 98 or ME. Please help!!


Comments: 1

28 Jun 07
11:28 AM

Hi there. I tried to install Grim Fandango on my PC with Vista running. I know that my PC is completely capable of running Grim as it's brand new. The problem is that I'm running a 64-bit version of Vista. If you wish to upgrade to Vista but still be able to play Grim don't get the 64-bit edition. This is because Grim has a 16-bit installer which doesn't work with 64-bit systems - well that's what the research I've done has come up with. Hope this helps and saves a few of you from grief!


Comments: 1

10 Jun 07
5:06 AM

I don't know what I have to do. The patch crashes evry time I run it! There's a problem with Windows Self-extractor. Do you know how can I solve my problem???
I am on Vista Home Premium


Comments: 1

07 Jun 07
12:09 PM

At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot... I can't even get GF to install. I'm running vista home edition. i've changed compatibility to win98, run as administrator both setup.exe and grim.exe and my computer just goes into lala land. it will run the system check, but not install. any help would be greatly appreciated.

berra's Avatar
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Comments: 24

16 Apr 07
10:02 AM

good! then i dont have to worry about this when its time for a upgrade! :p


18 Mar 07
2:05 AM

Oh yesh it works! Installed on me Home Premium Edition and it worked like a charm. But I did disable 'disable DPI scaling (i'm running it at 120DPI)' and compatibility mode for XP SP2. Cheers!

GFFFE's Avatar
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Comments: 3

27 Feb 07
12:30 AM

You're all welcome!
Btw I won the game again =D haha.
I love it so much...... The end's so sad..

It shone, pale as bone
As I stood there alone
And I thought to myself how the moon,
That night
cast its light
On my heart's true delight,
And the reef where her body was strewn.

grim101's Avatar

Comments: 1

23 Feb 07
1:23 PM

Thanks GFFFE for this it helped me a gr8 deal. only problem is my copy keeps freezing now i think its the old disc

King Dando
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22 Feb 07
9:27 PM

Funnily enough, one of my primary concerns about Vista, was the fact that Grim Fandango might not work on it :)

GFFFE's Avatar
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20 Feb 07
9:37 PM

You're welcome! :D
I was getting frustrated.. I NEEDED to make GF work on Vista, haha.. I finally got it :D
Glad to know I was helpful :D
Enjoy the game, and Vista as well, it's a great OS :D

It shone, pale as bone
As I stood there alone
And I thought to myself how the moon,
That night
cast its light
On my heart's true delight,
And the reef where her body was strewn.

Ostentatious's Avatar
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Comments: 43

20 Feb 07
6:33 PM

I thank GFFFE for this information as I will no doubt use it at some point in the future when I call in my 'discounted vista upgrade' that I got when I purchased this computer. :D

Although to be honest I haven't even installed Grim on my Win XP machine, it's stayed on my Win ME machine for the past few years which despite it's much lower specs (I.E 32MB RAM on XP compaired to 1GB DDR RAM on ME ;)) it's where I play most of my games. Most of this is just lazyness on my part though as most of my games have already been installed and ME is DOS compatible so I don't have to use DOSBOX. :D

Manuel Calavera:

"What a relief, I was getting concerned that our transport wasn't ostentatious enough."

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