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Monkey Island 5 Announced!
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Monkey Island 5 Announced!
Posted by James on Monday 1st June 2009 @ 4:15 AM

In a surprise move, close to a decade after the release of the last in the series, it was announced today that Telltale Games will be developing the episodic Tales of Monkey Island, with the first installment to be released July 7th on PC. Many of the original team are involved with the project too, including Dave Grossman, Mike Stemmle and Dominic Armato as the voice of Guybrush.

User posted image

LucasArts also revealed that they are creating a Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition for PC and Xbox Live Arcade, featuring enhanced graphics and voiceovers!

(For anyone who's unaware, Monkey Island was another adventure game series released by LucasArts which is similar in style to Grim Fandango.)

Comments (newest first) - 16 so far


14 Jul 09
6:47 PM

I haven't completed Monkey Island and Monkey Island - Le Chucks Revenge yet!!!



04 Jul 09
3:49 PM

I will not complain about the graphics yet I would like it to have been a little better just to show it to some friends without they saying "dude, look at those graphics, it's not worth it!" but who cares, guess it will be just MI an me again =)

Mary Morgan
Mary Morgan's Avatar

Comments: 11

07 Jun 09
8:36 PM

knowing me i am prolly gonna buy it, and its a good thing too that its coming out on pc

okay i am gonna make a GF animated series when i get a new tablet so stay tuned! at the moment its all concepts


05 Jun 09
6:31 PM


Oh, all the years I've waited for this!! I've been in love with MI since I was 8. I was practically heartbroken when, a couple years ago they "announced" the new MI5, then it turned out to be fake.

To be honest, though I really was hoping for graphics more like the Curse, but hey, I'm not complaining. :]


01 Jun 09
8:39 PM

omgomgomgomgomg sweeeeet!!!!

Best news eva!!

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