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Currently showing fan fictions by VampireNaomi.

One Day - VampireNaomi

A short exchange between Manny and Domino before the events of the game.

Chapters - 1 | Comments - 6 | Added - 25th August 2006 | Updated - 25th August 2006

Still in Her Sleep - VampireNaomi

Domino may be gone, but Meche can't forget.

Chapters - 1 | Comments - 1 | Added - 4th December 2005 | Updated - 4th December 2005

Marry Me, Olivia - VampireNaomi

Maximino is the happiest man in Rubacava, but not everyone likes his plan of proposing to Olivia.

Chapters - 1 | Comments - 1 | Added - 9th October 2005 | Updated - 9th October 2005

They Opened the Bottle - VampireNaomi

Manny and Velasco have a talk.

Chapters - 1 | Comments - 0 | Added - 14th May 2005 | Updated - 14th May 2005

He Could Have Too - VampireNaomi

If he had truly done everything to find Meche, would he have had time to set up a successful club? A brief look at Manny's more selfish side.

Chapters - 1 | Comments - 2 | Added - 5th March 2005 | Updated - 5th March 2005

The Martonza Case - VampireNaomi

A murder mystery set in Rubacava. One of Maximino's secretaries is shot, and something important gets lost in the process.

Chapters - 8 | Comments - 0 | Added - 26th July 2004 | Updated - 4th March 2005

Thoughts of the Talented One - VampireNaomi

Domino Hurley's diary.

Chapters - 1 | Comments - 1 | Added - 26th July 2004 | Updated - 26th July 2004

On Soulless Feet We Cross the Floor - VampireNaomi

Olivia finds out what happens to those who are sprouted.

Chapters - 3 | Comments - 2 | Added - 20th November 2004 | Updated - 26th July 2004

Message from Him - VampireNaomi

Toto finds out what happened to Lola.

Chapters - 1 | Comments - 0 | Added - 13th July 2004 | Updated - 13th July 2004

It's Lonely to Be Abandoned - VampireNaomi

Two men with a broken heart.

Chapters - 1 | Comments - 1 | Added - 24th June 2004 | Updated - 24th June 2004

Left Behind - VampireNaomi

We all know what happened to Salvador in the end. How about Eva?

Chapters - 1 | Comments - 1 | Added - 1st June 2004 | Updated - 1st June 2004

Empty Eye Sockets - VampireNaomi

What if Nick was Hector's lawyer instead of Maximino's? What if Manny was in love with Carla? What if Meche had feelings for Domino? And what if Toto and Lola were LSA agents? AU

Chapters - 19 | Comments - 0 | Added - 15th August 2003 | Updated - 15th May 2004

We Pathetic Fools - VampireNaomi

Nick and Lola are not as different as we usually think.

Chapters - 1 | Comments - 1 | Added - 21st February 2004 | Updated - 21st February 2004

Moth - VampireNaomi

A poem about Olivia's feelings for Nick.

Chapters - 1 | Comments - 0 | Added - 21st February 2004 | Updated - 21st February 2004

The Clown - VampireNaomi

A poem about the clown in El Marrow.

Chapters - 1 | Comments - 1 | Added - 19th September 2003 | Updated - 19th September 2003

Not Me - VampireNaomi

Toto Santos gets a visitor.

Chapters - 1 | Comments - 0 | Added - 7th August 2003 | Updated - 7th August 2003

Dying Sigh - VampireNaomi

My first attempt at Domino/Meche. It's a starry night on the edge of the world.

Chapters - 1 | Comments - 0 | Added - 4th August 2003 | Updated - 4th August 2003

Fear of Pigeons - VampireNaomi

Something strange inspired by Domino's locked window and what Manny had to say about it.

Chapters - 1 | Comments - 1 | Added - 28th July 2003 | Updated - 28th July 2003

Winding Sea - VampireNaomi

The trip from Puerto Zapato to the Edge of the World was not easy for Meche. Or Domino.

Chapters - 1 | Comments - 1 | Added - 14th July 2003 | Updated - 14th July 2003

Year One And a Half - VampireNaomi

Ever wondered how Manny got his position as the boss of the cafe? Or how Nick became Maximino's personal lawyer? Where Glottis learnt to play piano? And what actually happened between Year One and Year Two?

Chapters - 8 | Comments - 0 | Added - 10th July 2003 | Updated - 10th July 2003