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“Manny!” Emelie tried to cry out once more, but no sound came. She knew that it was too late, knew that his skull had already hit the cold cement. The sound it made was slightly dulled by the pale blossoms that now covered his body. A loud sob escaped Emelie as she froze in horror, breaking the relative quiet. Her mind worked furiously, trying to comprehend what had happened. Interrupting her thoughts, Domino chuckled slightly.

“How could you?” she screamed, causing her captor to jump and tighten his grip. She thrashed violently as she felt his bony fingers crushing her arm. “You told me! You promised…” She broke off, reduced to little cries of anguish, and struggled no more.

“Come on, Triste. You’ll forget soon enough. Your heart belongs to someone new every week. Who knows how many Atare boys you ‘fell in love with’ before Manny and I.”

At this Emelie stiffened. He knows… True she’d been infatuated with many men before, including Domino, but she never thought he would have found out.

“I never cared for you!” she spat.

“Come on Em, it was plain as day-” Domino’s sentence was interrupted by a harsh slap on the face.

“Don’t call me that!” she growled, holding her hand to her chest as Domino rubbed his face. She still could barely believe what happened, even with the flower covered body of her former traveling companion sprawled on the pavement before her. Domino simply grinned, and put his gun back into his jacket.

“Whatever you say, Ms. Triste. If that’s the way you’re gonna be, you’re on your own, now.” He turned, putting his hands in his pockets, and began to walk down the street, leaving Emelie alone with Manny’s body. He had no use for her, anymore. Might as well let the girl go. Besides, she would be a hindrance, and he had more work to do.

Emelie knelt by the pile of flowers, a hand over her mouth. What was she supposed to do? This was all her fault, really. She never should’ve trusted Domino, never should’ve fallen in love. If only she hadn’t met him that day, so many years ago. She had been immediately infatuated, he was so interesting. She would’ve followed him anywhere, but he’d disappeared. And then, now, for him to return had been like a dream come true. But Domino Hurley had no time for the young daughter of a minor crime boss, and Emelie found herself simply being used for his own purposes. That’s how Manny was different. She had been taken along with him simply because he cared. And now, she had repayed his kindness with a terrible betrayal. And that woman, Meche…

At this, Emelie’s train of thought ground to a halt. Meche. She would never know. She would always remember Manny as a horrible man, one who betrayed her, and then ran off with another girl, never to be seen again. A wave of guilt washed over her. There had to be something she could do. She couldn’t just leave it like this.

Meche stared out the window of the Number 9 train. Glottis had attempted to comfort her a couple of times, but she’d ignored him. She needed time alone, to think. How could he have done this? She’d thought she knew him better. That she’d found someone truly special here in the Land of the Dead. She should never have trusted him. Lesson learned.

Before long, the train had arrived at its station at the gate. Repairs were still underway, although near completion, and the passengers found themselves herded into the large gatehouse, where they would have to stay for the night before heading into the 9th Underworld. Mercedes was one of the first in line, and hurried ahead of Glottis. The big orange demon meant well, but she needed some peace, and time to be alone. Sitting alone in a corner of the stone building, Meche curled up and sobbed.

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