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Nick closed the door of his office and leaned against it, happy because he was finally alone. The last few days had made him really nervous; he could only think about that he had lied to Hector.

It was more than enough to get him in trouble and sprouted. The lawyer thought that somehow Hector suspected his betrayal and he felt cold every time he had to meet him in the man's office. He always waited for the worst and felt really relieved when he was allowed to withdraw in the loneliness of his own office.

Everything had been normal after he had returned from Rubacava. He still took care of law matters and organised contracts with the leaders of other cities, and nothing seemed to be wrong on the surface. But inside he was eaten by the worry of that his stupid slip would destroy him.

And the situation wasn't getting any better because Olivia had suddenly started to pay him much more attention than before. When the woman had used to just walk past him or exchange a few words, she could start a real conversation now.

Nick wasn't a fool and he knew quite well what was going on, and that too made him nervous. Olivia wasn't interested in knowing him, she just wanted some excitement in her so boring afterlife, and the only way for her to do that was seducing men.

Olivia didn't do much, she gave him a longer glance at times, emphasised certain words and, if she was sure no one was looking, she could touch him lightly. If Hector ever found out... then he'd be in much worse trouble than if he simply found out the truth about him and his lie.

And Olivia wasn't an idiot either, she knew how to make it all look like it was Nick's fault and she wouldn't be sad doing it. The lawyer didn't even for a second think that the woman really cared about him; it was all just a sad and ridiculous act. A trap she wanted him to fall in.

He had to admit that had the situation been different he might have done it. Olivia was so different than the other women he knew and she fascinated him. When they both had still lived in Rubacava he had for a while thought he felt something towards her, but never anything deeper.

Though at times he had to ask himself why he had really come to Nuevo Marrow. He had had many good opportunities to turn to Hector, but he hadn't done it before Olivia had.

Whatever, now he had no intention of letting the woman lead him anywhere. Hector was different than Maximino. They might have been able to trick the kingpin of Rubacava, but Nick didn't want to play with the fate any more than he had to.

Hector LeMans loved Olivia and men in love were often very jealous. If Hector even suspected Nick was playing some game with Olivia...

He shook his head to himself. At the moment everything was fine, he had no reason to worry. If he was careful and played his cards right he could survive it all just as he had survived everything else.

The day was already turning to night and he still had work to do. He had to make sure some contracts with the leaders of Puerto Zapato were ready for Hector to sign and -- wait a minute...

His table was never tidy, papers, pens, paper clips, pins, cigarette stubs and empty coffee mugs were always loitering around, but still he clearly saw that someone had been messing with his desk while he had been gone.

There was a closed envelope he had never seen. It was pure white and he took it in his hands with hesitation, as if afraid of it exploding at any moment. Nothing was written on it, but it was still clear it was for him.

Nick sure didn't like that.

For a while he thought he should throw it away, but then came to the conclusion that he'd never find peace if he didn't know who had sent it and why. On the other hand, he thought he already had a hunch.

The lawyer opened the envelope and slipped his fingers in it drawing out a white sheet of paper with neat black writing.


I presume you remember what was said to you and that you've considered your actions. I am sure you have done the right choice and that is why I dare to accompany you with this letter. Fear not, the one who brought it is loyal to me and has been working in your office a good while now. Don't try to find him; you would just get in trouble.

I write to you because you must prove your loyalty. You must know that a massive cargo of guns has just arrived from Puerto Zapato. Weapons are expensive and the trade is carefully watched, so it is very important that you deliver those guns to me.

I am aware of the risks of the operation, but I believe you can do it. You are not alone; meet one of my men in the Panther's Eye. He is expecting you to be there.

There was no signature, but Nick didn't need one to know from who the letter was.


Merely the fact that the letter existed was enough to doom him and if someone ever found out... Then he could just hope for a quick end and that souls who went through the second death didn't just disappear.

Nick crumpled up the letter in his hand and ripped it in as many pieces as possible. Then he lit what was left with his cigarette lighter and watched in relief as it all burned into ash in his coffee mug. At least he now had one thing less to worry about, but the situation was still most unwelcome.

How could Maximino think he would be able to steal guns from Hector? The man kept an eye socket on everything and especially the trade of guns was important to him. He had to know who had guns and how much, if he didn't his position as the head of his own empire would crumble into pieces.

Only a fool who didn't treasure his soul dared to even try betraying Hector.

Nick leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling. He hoped he still had eye lids so that he could have closed his eyes -- which he didn't have either -- and sink in darkness, even for a while.

He was in trouble, worse than ever before.

If he did it he'd most certainly get caught and that would be the end of everything. He would be shot or Hector would come up with something nastier. And if he went on with his afterlife without paying attention to Maximino, his men would shoot him. And they too could come up with a more unpleasant way to get rid of a soul.

He suddenly realised that he still had the chance to go and tell it all to Hector, but then he realised it was already too late. He had had his chance and he had missed it, Hector wouldn't trust him anymore and everyone knew what he did to those who were no more worth his trust.

The only option was to choose between the two evil. By whom did he want to get shot, Hector or Maximino?

Actually he knew it already. If the situation really got that far he didn't want his bones to be eaten by flowers because of something that Maximino had done. He had known the man much longer than he had known Hector and lived long in Rubacava. In the past he could have called Maximino his friend, but he'd never dare to do that to Hector.

Besides, if Maximino won...

Nick straightened in his chair, placed his bony hands on the table and leaned his chin on them. If Maximino won...

Yes, so what?

They would get rid of Hector, the most hated and feared man in the Land of the Dead would meet his doom. Maximino would take over the huge crime organisation and control it. Things would calm down; Maximino was a peaceful man and leaned on violence only when it was necessary.

But what good would it be for Nick Virago?

He would still be a lawyer, that was certain. But he could serve the man he had known for so long and to whom he had worked before. Nick wasn't an emotional man and never let personal matters interfere with business, but he would have been stupid if he hadn't realised his situation.

Maybe he could even visit Rubacava a bit more often.

But those positive thoughts died once he remembered that Maximino hadn't won yet and probably never would. They were in the beginning of their journey and would have to face many dangerous challenges.

Like how the heck was he going to steal a cargo of guns and deliver it to Rubacava?

His thought turned to the club that had been mentioned in the letter, the Panther's Eye. He knew it was located at the edge of Nuevo Marrow but had never been there himself. It was a cheap place and a lawyer who worked for Hector LeMans didn't have to even glance in its direction.

A few hours more and then he could leave without making anyone suspicious. He usually stayed late almost every evening and even if he didn't he was the last one to leave. Few more hours and he'd meet the man who was supposed to offer him his help.


Those few hours turned out to be very slow and difficult. Nick didn't remember when the matters of law had made him as frustrated and when there was still a good twenty minutes to wait he was ready to rip his files into pieces and snap his pen in two.

Finally he had to give up and concentrate in thinking of what he was doing. He knew that the last chance of turning back was now; if he met Maximino's man he would be so deep in the mess that there would be no way out. It made him nervous, but also strangely determined.

And when the clock finally let him go he felt very weird walking out of his office. He knew he was on his way to do something that would endanger the future of his soul, but for some reason it didn't make him fear as much as he had thought.

The nightly Nuevo Marrow spread around him and all that brightness, flashing and noise still made him feel uncomfortable. He was used to Rubacava and its peaceful and dark atmosphere that was made of calm sitting, enjoying drinks and fashioned gambling. Maybe he could have adjusted to this new city if he hadn't worked so much.

He walked past casinos, clubs and bars not paying them any attention. The farther away from the centre he walked, the more peaceful everything became and finally he was able to say he felt homey. He let himself relax and didn't notice the shadow that followed his every step street by street.

Of course Nuevo Marrow still lacked that something, the lawyer didn't feel the salty scent of the sea and flashing neon lights still coloured the view, but it didn't disturb him as much as before.

Finally only he and some other souls were to be seen and he started to look more carefully around to find what he was looking for. The Panther's Eye was supposed to be there, he was sure of it. It was a small and pretty unknown club, but he thought it would bother to advertise too.

At first he saw just a cheap rat hole and a hotel were lived only those whose depth was already too grieve to be paid. He snorted in despise and continued on, but he didn't have to go very far.

The Panther's Eye.

Nick stopped on his tracks and judged the place with his stare. It didn't look like very noisy, but a rare calm atmosphere flew around it. The door was open and a small neon sign told the place's name to everyone who bothered to look.

With a shrug the lawyer stepped in and he heard the quiet music on the door. It wasn't actually his favourite, but he was able to stand it nevertheless. It was dim inside and he stopped to have a look around.

There were only few men and one woman inside with him. They all sat in their tables concentrating on their drinks and the atmosphere was quite gloomy. For a while he though he'd have to stand there forever and make a fool of himself, but then he noticed a man who had to be the one he was looking for.

Without any further thinking Nick headed towards a dim corner table where Chowchilla Charlie sat with a half filled glass. The lawyer sat opposite the small man and he rewarded him with a short glance.

"You came," he stated simply and turned his eye sockets on the table again. Nick didn't reply, he had never really liked Charlie and didn't think his opinion would chance. The man was a con artist, a slick worm who held onto the one who could offer him the most. He was one of the most untrustworthy men Nick knew and he couldn't understand why Maximino had given the mission to him.

"What do you want?" he asked coldly. Charlie glanced at him again and this time he kept his stare lifted.

"It's not about what I want, but what Maximino wants. What you want, what we want," he replied. "Besides, you already got your message. Didn't that make it clear?" he continued when Nick opened his mouth to ask something.

"This is really stupid. That will never work," Nick warned and Charlie shrugged.

"Hector is not as strong as everyone thinks. Why would we be trying to get rid of him if he was?" he asked and Nick glanced nervously around himself.

"If I were you I wouldn't say things like that in Nuevo Marrow, or anywhere," he said quickly and really hoped that no one had heard. If his luck was really bad the word was already on its way to Hector.

"Don't be stupid, no one in this place would care even if you danced on the bar table and sung insulting songs about Hector LeMans. We are all loyal to Maximino," Charlie assured and Nick decided to not comment Charlie's so called loyalty.

"How can you be so sure?" he asked instead.

"Maximino owns this place," Charlie said lighting a cigarette and turning his eye sockets on the table again. Nick so hated the way the con artist turned his face away from his conversation partner so that it was impossible to see what he was thinking.

"Maximino owns a place in Nuevo Marrow? Why didn't I know that?" Nick asked truly surprised. Why hadn't Hector told him about it? Maybe the crime lord didn't know either, his city just kept growing and it was impossible to see everything that took place.

"Now you know and it just ties you stronger to us," the con artist said to him.

"That still doesn't mean that we have a chance of stealing a whole cargo of guns and delivering it to Rubacava without Hector suspecting anything. We won't even get to them without a pass signed by Hector himself," Nick said.

"We don't have to deliver them to Rubacava. It is enough if we get them out of Nuevo Marrow. Maximino will take care of everything after that."

"That is already too much. It is impossible to get them out of the warehouse. How many times do I have to tell you that?"

Charlie didn't seem to mind, but was silent for a while.

"If the guns were defective Hector would probably return them to Puerto Zapato where they are made, right? He has his florist here, but he is no use if the guns don't work," he said. Nick nodded.

"True, but there has never been a flaw in the guns. Even if there was this time, they would be no use for Maximino," he said getting a bit more interested. Maybe this conversation would take them somewhere and he could survive this mess -- not alive of course, but in full health.

Charlie stretched his hand to him.

"You are his lawyer. You must have work orders with you," he said. Nick stared at him for a while, but went through his left pocket anyway and drew out few pens, a bottle cap and a bit crumpled work order. He had a nasty habit of stuffing everything in his pockets and forgetting them there. He didn't even remember how many complaints he had got from his laundry service.

The con man snatched one of the pens and thought for a while. Then he wrote down few lines in the work order and shrugged.

"Now the guns are defective and must be returned to Puerto Zapato immediately. All we need is Hector LeMan's signature," he stated and gave the lawyer a hinting glance. Nick realised what was wanted from him and went quickly through his other pocket. This time he was sure he'd find what he was looking for and soon he had a neat VIP pass to Hector's biggest casino in his fingers.

Hector gave one to all of his important employees and let them enjoy his casinos in his tab. That pass was considered to be a huge honour. Only few got it and the card was actually one of the things Hector had given him for moving to Nuevo Marrow.

The lawyer thought it was pretty ironic that the gift from Hector would be such an important item in the fight against the crime lord.

Charlie took the card and eyed Hector's signature in it long and carefully. For a few times he was about to write it down, but hesitated and continued staring at it.

"Do you need paper for practise?" Nick asked wryly and the con artist glared at him.

"No, I am a professional," he announced proudly and wrote down the name "Hector LeMans" in the work order they had written just a moment ago. Nick eyed the result in interest and he had to admit that Charlie was talented in what he did.

It was funny actually; everyone knew Chowchilla Charlie was a second class con artist whose job could be easily recognised. He had taken care of silly things, washed money here, few betting stubs there, and yet Maximino had always trusted his important jobs with him. And now watching how Charlie had copied Hector's signature Nick thought the man had just played to be an untalented adventurer.

Maybe he really was a professional who just didn't want himself to be seen.

"This should do it. But what about when the guns are out of the city? Hector will find out that something is going on and will turn his eye sockets on Maximino. How does he think he'll survive?" he wanted to know slipping the work order in his pocket.

Charlie sipped his drink.

"Because the LSA will steal the guns while they are on their way to Puerto Zapato," he stated simply and Nick realised the brilliance of this scheme. He could give the work order to the men in the warehouse and they would send the guns on their way without knowing they would end up in the enemy hands. Then Maximino's men -- dressed up as LSA agents -- would rob the cargo and leave one man un-sprouted to tell everyone that Salvador Limones was behind it all.

After that Hector would concentrate in hunting that mysterious rebel leader and his freedom fighters and Maximino would be safe.

Only the fact that Hector would want to know where he had got the work order made Nick feel nervous, but he promised himself he'd come up with something. He didn't feel uncertain anymore and was starting to believe it might actually work.

"I better take care of this tonight," he said standing up. Charlie just nodded concentrating on his drink, cigarette and staring at the table. Nick left him and the whole place behind him and hurried back to Hector's office.

He already knew how he'd take care of it and congratulated himself for it. Every detail would have to work and the first thing to do was to make sure the night guard saw him.

The office was completely dark at that time of the night and only the very frustrated guard was there. He gave Nick a surprised glance when the lawyer came and hurried to open him the doors.

"Mister Virago, what are you doing here at this time of the night?" the guard asked and Nick glared at him.

"Since when do I have to explain my intentions to you?" he asked icily and the guard flinched remembering who he was talking to. Nick Virago was nothing compared to Hector LeMans, but it was obvious that he was a man who could sprout.

"No... I meant that..." he stuttered, but relaxed when Nick just waved it away like he didn't give a damn.

"Whatever, I am busy. When you work here it's always overtime," he muttered making sure that the guard heard everything he said. He didn't say anything more, just locked the doors and watched -- maybe even with slight compassion -- as Nick disappeared in the corridor. He had to work at night too, but unlike the lawyer he got to sleep on daytime.

But unlike the guard thought, Nick wasn't tired at all. He headed for his office, turned on the lights and sat behind his desk as if he was going to go through his papers. At the same time he slipped the work order on his desk and didn't give it a second look.

He started to work and concentrated on a small argument that was about some depth developed by Hector's friend. It didn't interest him at all, but the play had to work.

When fifteen minutes had passed he took the work order, left his office and returned to the hall where the guard was.

"Could you do me a favour?" he asked and the guard gave him an interested glance. Everyone in Nuevo Marrow wanted to become something and if he formed a good relationship with Hector's lawyer...

"Anything, Mister Virago," he promised. Nick nodded.

"Good. I had this note on my desk and it should be sent to the warehouses as soon as possible. It is already delayed, my office is so messed up that I didn't notice it until now. I will be in trouble if the boys at the warehouse don't get it tonight, but I have so much paper work that I just don't have the time to take it there. If you took it there for me I would be very grateful," he said and the guard immediately looked happier. This was his chance.

"Of course Mister Virago, I will take care of it right away," he said and Nick gave the work order to him. He watched with pleasure as the man left and shook his head then.

"What a fool," he said and returned in his office to get a gun. The job was only half done; now he had to make sure no one ever found the guard. Hector would get his betrayer and everything would be fine.


Vincento felt really pleased when he was returning to his post. What a stroke of luck, to think that he had been there when Virago needed help. It hadn't been difficult to deliver the work order to the warehouse where men still worked.

Maybe he could work for Virago in the future too now that he knew that he could trust him.

The poor guard didn't notice anything before a red poisoned dart hit his chest and he backed few steps. He wasn't shocked yet, it happened only when leaves and pedals started to grow from his body.

Nick thought that in the night of Nuevo Marrow no one had heard the man's scream and he was really pleased with himself. The guns were on their way and nothing led it to him.

He had to admit it; he had taken care of this pretty nicely.


But since the moment Nick had left his office and gone to meet Charlie, someone had been following him and the lawyer hadn't noticed her at all. This hunter hadn't been supposed to follow him; she had just happened to be there and had decided to see what was going on.

And now Eva was really pleased because of her decision to see what Nick Virago was up to. The information she had got would serve the rebels better than anything in a long time. She was a bit sorry for not being able to save the guard, but didn't let it bother her for very long. The man hadn't been innocent and it wasn't like Eva to worry about strangers too much.

She returned to the LSA tunnels and went through all that she had heard. It was unbelievable; she would have never thought that others were going to destroy Hector too.

A pity that they did it for their own personal gain and were just as corrupted as their target. They might have been good allies.

"Eva, where have you been? You were supposed to be back a long time ago," Salvador said when she came. It was true, she hadn't been supposed to anything else than get some parts for a new radio from an agent who had bought them in Puerto Zapato. Everything that was important came from Puerto Zapato which made it a very important port town.

"I saw something interesting on my way back," she replied and started to fiddle with the radio. She kept her thoughts in control when she had something to do with her hands and it made her feel calm. That was why no one had ever seen her in the D.O.D without hearing her continuous typing.

Salvador nodded and continued writing. He had a small paper and he was writing a reply to Toto. The man told they hadn't managed to find out anything important, but would still continue trying.

"Now I know why Nick Virago went to Rubacava," Eva started and Salvador stopped writing for a while.

"I believe that Hector sent him there to see how things are," the rebel leader stated mouthing what they all knew for certain.

"But not only because of that. Virago is on Maximino's side and is going to betray Hector," Eva said. She lifted her gaze from the radio to see Salvador's reaction. The man didn't look surprised at all, he could control his feelings better than anyone else, but he did place a finger on his cheek bone.

"That does make sense. What is he up to?" he asked. He didn't have to know how Eva had found out all that, he trusted the woman and would never believe anything bad about her.

"He and one of Maximino's men have already stolen a cargo of guns from Hector. His own men will take it outside of the city where Maximino's men -- dressed up as our agents -- will steal it," she said.

"A fine plan. After that Hector will turn his eye sockets on us and think we are a real threat," Salvador said. It was clear that he was thinking and Eva let the man be, concentrating on her radio again. She really liked fixing radios and was better in it than had originally thought.

"What do you say Eva, isn't it wrong if we are framed because of a crime we didn't commit?" Salvador asked suddenly and the woman lifted her gaze.

"What do you mean?" she asked and noticed that for once Salvador looked impish. It happened rarely; nowadays the man was too serious and had to carry a huge burden. He wouldn't break, but could change a lot from the man who had recruited Eva years ago.

Salvador stood up.

"I will gather the men and fetch the cargo. We need working weapons and if we are going to get the blame, we should also gather the goods," he said.


Lola watched in amazement as the fastest cat of the race ran ahead of the others and won. That cat had been her own personal favourite and she was glad it had done well.

"Well, what do you know...? You clearly have an eye for this business. Maybe I should hire you to be my assistant," Maximino said and though the compliment was really corny Lola laughed.

She came to meet Maximino in the High Roller's Lounge every night and the man waited for her. He offered her drinks, chatted with her and showed her his business and the clubs he owned. It all fascinated her and every time she returned home she felt a pang inside her, she wasn't doing what she was supposed to.

Lola knew Toto was disappointed with her, she should have found out Maximino's plans, but to be honest, she didn't even try. It was too fun to be with Maximino and the man was so nice, she couldn't force herself to do anything that would harm him.

"Maybe. Then I'd have an excuse for hanging around in your club," she replied and was caught off her guard when Maximino suddenly drew her against him.

"You don't need an excuse. You may do it anyway," he replied softly. Lola felt really nice and couldn't understand how she could have thought he was a crook.

Toto was wrong, Salvador was wrong; they all had to be wrong. Maximino couldn't be the corrupted crime lord they talked about, it had to be a mistake. The man was too kind, nice and gentle.

Lola had last felt that way when she had developed a crush on Maximino years ago. She had grown since those times, but felt the same feeling nevertheless.

But this time she was happier, this time Olivia Ofrenda wasn't here to shatter her dreams.

To be continued...

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