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Walkthrough  Open the jukebox 
This Grim Fandango walkthrough was written by Iron Kat. While we would not recommend using a walkthrough as it can take away a lot of the enjoyment you'd get from the game. However, if you're sure you need one, take a look

Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4

Year 3

Go inside the ship and you’ll find all your crew have been sprouted. Go down the ladder and Glottis will pull you to safety. Use red button on the right. This will raise the right anchor. Use the levers to move the left anchor under the ship where the right anchor was. Use button on the right to sink the right anchor down again. Use the red button on the left to pull the two anchors up. Go to the window and use your scythe on the anchors. Use the right button again and the anchors will be ripped down the ship. Use the levers again. Just pull them down and off you go.

<cut scene>

When Chepito comes along press the ‘use’ key on him and talk to him then use the ‘use’ key on him again to hold him then use the ‘use’ on Glottis, so Glottis takes Chepito. When you get to the Pearl walk around the edge to the rock with the red stuff on it. Walk past the rock and Chepito will follow. He’ll then get tangled up in it.

<cut scene>

You’re at the edge of the world now. Go to the door straight ahead and follow the walkway all the way.

<cut scene>

Talk to the angelitos in the cage until they throw a hammer at you. Pick up the hammer and add it to your inventory. Go into Meche’s office and use the ash tray. She should then drop the ashes onto her leg. After she’s taken off her stockings and thrown them in the waste bin pick up and add them to your inventory. Go back down the lift and go straight ahead then left. Go over to Chepito and talk to him. Give him the hammer and he’ll give you the Bust-All. Then give him the stockings and you’ll get a gun. Go back over the lift but this time don’t go in it; go to the right instead. You’ll get to a conveyer belt. For now ignore the lever and jump on. Go up all the way till you get to the crane. Enter the crane and drive all the way to the other side. Lower the chain and claw onto the beach. Exit the crane and run down the beach to the claw. Use the Bust-All on the claw and the chain will break off. Get back into the crane and lower the chain into the steel grinders, then raise the chain again; the grinders will fly out onto the beach. Drive the crane to the other side and lower it. Exit the crane and go down the conveyer belt. Jump off and use the lever. The chain will go down the belt to the end. Change the direction again and the chain will get messed up. Use the lever again and the chain will loop over the anchor. Now get back in the crane and raise the chain.

<cut scene>

So, Glottis and the Lamancha are now on land. Get back in the crane and drive to the other side. Exit the crane and go back down the conveyer belt. Jump off and head back to Meche’s office. Use the Sproutella gun on her.

<cut scene>

Go out of Domino’s office and go to the vault door. Use the Bust-All on the door and use the tumbles. Turn them so the flat side of all of them is facing to the right. When you think you have it use your scythe on the tumbles. If you did it right the scythe will stay there. Use the handle and the door will open. Go inside and close the door. Use your scythe on the cables above the door and the door to Meche’s secret room will be revealed. Pick up the axe and drag it into the other room. Drop it somewhere on the ground. When you have the right place a hole will open in the ground which you can escape through.

<cut scene>

Dom’s mad at you and wants to fight you but all you need to do is use your scythe on the squid’s eye. And it’s goodbye, Domino!!!

<cut scene>

Continue to Year 4